Thursday, November 01, 2007

Join Horizon in our new home @ Matienza

Let me ask you... What comes to mind when you hear the words “BORN AGAIN”?

Money-making scam?

HORIZON MINISTRIES is a born –again church that hopes to dispel all these “Born again" stereotypes and myths.

we don’t ask newcomers to stand and
introduce themselves. you can enjoy
the service in total anonymity.

we don’t attack other people’s beliefs
or religions. we show the relevancy of
christianity and give people the
freedom to decide for themselves.

w e don’t claim to be perfect, only
forgiven people who point the way to
jesus as the source of our hope,
strength, and joy.


but newcomers are given the option to simply observe.

but it’s not condemning, boring, nor irrelevant. we make the bible come alive and relevant to our everyday life.

but only for members and not newcomers

Come and have the best 2 hours of your week. Come and experience the joy and
blessings of having a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST.

Join us at...

379 Matienza Street, San Miguel Manila
(inside Malacanang Palace) [3rd corner from Max's Restaurant - JP Laurel Street]
every Sundays 10:00AM - 12:00NN and
every Wednesdays 7:45 - 9:45PM

Please refer to the map below for directions.

Let me know when you can make it and I promise you, you won't forget your experience with us...

Friday, May 04, 2007

A Concert Invitation: Bossa Breeze (With Dave Elquero and MYMP as the special guests)

I want to invite you to an easy, breezy night of bossa music on May 19 Saturday, at Teatrino in Greenhills Promenade. This concert is sponsored by our church, Horizon Ministries, for the benefit of our Benevolence Ministry and our Church-Planting Ministry. You will not only enjoy delightful music with Dave Elquero and MYMP but you will also help us minister to our brothers and sisters who are in need. Through the Benevolence Ministry, we support scholars in need of financial help and provide livelihood assistance to the families. We also conduct medical missions to poor barangays in Metro Manila.

Venue: Teatrino, Greenhills Promenade
Date and Time: May 19 @ 730PM Saturday
Ticket Price: P500

Please contact me via email for tickets and for more details. I would really appreciate it if you can join us in the concert.

To know more about Horizon Ministries, feel free to visit the link below.

God bless and hope to see you there!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Love is..."

Kitchie Nadal * Barbie Almalbis
A post-Valentine Acoustic Night

Hi Friends! You are all invited to watch this post-Valentine concert sponsored by our church, the Horizon Ministries, this coming February 24, Friday. Please don't forget to bring your loved ones with you!

When: February 24, 2006 @ 7PM, Friday
Where: The Philamlife Auditorium

Prices of the concert ticket are at P700 and P500. For inquiries, pls call Sherry at 3615583 or 09178972572. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Couples Attended PCF-Horizon Anniversary
by Pastor Sandy

They made my night! Others were ecstatic about the anniversary; I was ecstatic about them.

Three couples from the target area, including their children, attended the 12th anniversary of PCF-Horizon, the church helping me in the Sampaloc church planting. It was very timely also that Ptr. Manric gave a vision of a daughter church in Sampaloc. I asked the families to stand up to show to everyone that the vision is slowly taking fruit.

Kindly lay your hands on these people as you pray, because they (including some of their college children) may be the future leaders of the church. Pray that the Spirit will continue to convict them to obedience and that their faith in Jesus will grow leaps and bounds so they may be useful to the Master. These are the people I’m counting on for the birth of the church.

This Saturday night, we will have a Couple’s Fellowship. I will lead a discussion based on the Biblical Design of Marriage by Clem Guillermo (in VCD). This will also be the time that I want to challenge them to make more commitment to the vision of the church. Please pray for strong bonding, and that they will join me in fulfilling the vision.

Source: August Newsletter of the Sampaloc Church Planting Ministry

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Horizon Beliefs

  • God is bigger, better and more wonderful than you can ask, think or imagine.

  • Jesus Christ is God who became man to die for our sins willfully and sacrificially. He loves you and wants you to accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior.

  • The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. He lives in every believer to empower them to live for God's glory.

  • The Bible is God's perfect Word to teach us how to know Him better and to live abundantly and purposefully.

  • Grace is the only way to have a relationship with God. Only those who are humble and admit they are sinners who cannot save themselves have eternal life.

  • Faith is the only way to activate God's grace in one's life.

  • God allows evil to exist so that He can destroy it someday. In the meantime, God promises believers victory over sin and evil because He is working all things out for His children's well being.

  • Heaven and hell are real places. Death is not the end but the beginning of eternity.

  • The church is God's idea. Its purpose is to serve people just as Christ served us.

  • Jesus is coming again someday to make all things right and place it under God's total control.

  • Horizon exists to be a place for you to believe, belong and become more like Christ.

Purpose Statement

Horizon Ministries exists to become a church for the unchurched by exposing them to God's love (mission), encouraging them to be a part of God's family (membership), empowering them with God's word (maturity), extending themselves for God's service (ministry), in order to exalt God's name (magnification).